About Us
Woodland Play Therapy is a social enterprise delivering training to therapists and teachers who are already working with children in schools across Scotland. The people we train are working with children who have been identified with additional social and emotional support needs or learning requirements. Often these children are traumatised, refusing to go to school, self harming or their health problems are limiting their experiences of life, and we believe this a symptom of our society’s disconnect to nature.
Since January 2022 we’ve turned over £7,000 delivering training and support to counsellors and therapists across Glasgow, and we have an ongoing contract with Barnardos to deliver wellbeing sessions carers and staff. All our training happens outside, in woodland environments, and participants experience the healing power of reengaging with the nature for themselves and they learn techniques and skills to support the children who they work with to connect with their true natures.
Shuna is a play therapist with 19 years experience, 10 of which have been outdoors, taking her clients outside into green spaces to benefit from the power of the natural elements. Sophie is a forest school leader and trainer with 6 years experience working with disadvantaged communities in urban woodlands across the city.
We are looking for funding to support us to roll out our training program, and we're looking for board members who can help us in the next part of this journey. We'd also like to talk to universities and colleges for opportunities there, and we know there are many possibilities for our work so if any of this is resonates with you, we are usually in the woods, but you can contact us through the button below.